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"For self-realization and service to the world"

-Swami Vivekananda 
The fountain
Shri Ramakrishna, born in 1836, lived only for 50 years. His was a life of intense spiritual enlightenment. The confused age of political and religious conflicts in India and abroad finds in his life, actions and utterances a flood of light to dispel all doubts of the age of inquiry and challenge. Shri Ramakrishna established the truth behind the major world religions. He was, in fact the embodiment of the Vedas.He came to demonstrate the verities of the different major religions of the world. By his realization of the Truth and Godhead through the varying paths, he proved the truth of the Vedic adage: "truth is One; sages call it by various names." By his concern and love for the miserable, he combined and harmonized the human and the spiritual. the secular and the sacred, the temporal and the transcendental. By his spiritual sadhana at Dakshineshwar in the suburb of Calcutta he, brought the hidden treasury of the Himalayan caves to the crowded society. By his pure and absolute dedication to God, experimentation with the religions and constant communion with God, Shri Ramakrishna proved that religion and spirituality can stand the acid test of modern times thus creating  new faith, revitalising the higher values of life in a renascent India, rejuvenating her cultural and spiritual heritage.

For the implementation of the Divine Mission for which Shri Ramakrishna was born, he attracted in (1880-1886) a group of talented, bold, and heroic young men of Calcutta, besides a few great men and women devotees. This band of youth was headed by Swami Vivekananda. Prior to his Mahasamadhi, Shri Ramakrishna trained and commissioned these few young men in the an and science of the spiritual life and gave them the mission to spread the message all over the world.

The Brotherhood And the Beginning of Ramakrishna Math
Soon after the Mahasamadhi of their great Master,  the band of selected young men were found in a monastery' started by them in  haunted house. Thus came into existence the first wing Of the organization, the Ramakrishna Math. Those were days of intense spiritual practices and constant vigil. The brotherhood was forgetful even about their bare food and minimum rest. The physical disappearance of the Beloved Master from amongst them set ablaze the spirit of intense renunciation and inspired them to be absorbed only in one-pointed devotion for God-vision. Then started the period of Pravrajya. Vivekananda and his brother- disciples were out on pilgrimage over the holy land of India. At the conclusion of his pilgrimage of all the four corners of India, Swami Vivekananda sat on the island rock of Kanyakumari and in a flash visualized the past glory of India, her present decadence and her future rise. He had a full vision of the work ahead, the plan of his campaign for resurgent India and the spiritual good of the world. He got his Guru's mandate to work out the Mission.
Destiny Sets The Stage
The Chicago Parliament of Religions provided for him the platform in 1893. Unknown, Swami Vivekananda truly represented the great heritage of India and became the hero there. The world was awakened to an altogether new awareness of India, her great culture and spiritual treasure and began to look up to India now as a great nation.
Beginning of the Ramakrishna Mission
In India his brother disciples were organized for the great work in the offing. Swami Vivekananda now wanted to set in motion another machinery to fulfil the great objectives his Master Shri Ramakrishna lived for. On his return home, he initiated this movement in 1 897.This was the beginning of Ramakrishna Mission.

Finally fired with the twin ideals of the Swami began to train a band of monks for self-realization and to serve the world.In conjunction with the lay disciples he now began missionary and philanthropic work looking upon all irrespective of caste, creed or colour as vertiable manifestations of the Divine. The present home of this Ramakrishna Math & Ramakrishna Mission was established in Belur Math In 1899. Subsequently the institution was registered under the name of the Ramakrishna Mission in 1909 under Act XXI of 1860.

Ramakrishna Math And Mission Today
Since then the Ramakrishna Math and the Ramakrishna Mission extended their spheres of activity, and had branches in different parts of the country and abroad. Briefly stated the aims, objects and the activities of both Ramakrishna Mission and Ramakrishna Math are as follows.

Aim : Self-realization and service to the world

Objects :


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